Bell House Fitness – Lifting
5 sets for load:
3 deadlifts
Tempo sets:
3 deadlifts
– :05 on the way up and :05 on the return.
– Use around 55-60% of your latest 1-rep max.
This week, we decrease the reps and increase loading on the deadlifts.
All sets should be unbroken. Adjust the loading accordingly if needed.
Today’s goal is around 80-90% of your last previous 1-rep. If you can do more, go for it!
Try to increase the loading of the tempo sets from last week’s sets.
In Accessory – I, rest as needed and build to your heaviest set of 6. Increase load from last week.
In Accessory – II, use a pair of KBs for the front-rack hold. Use a weight that will allow you to complete the hold without putting the KBs down. Find a hollow hold position that will allow you to hold for :40.
3 sets:
1:00 bike, row, SkiErg, or run
10 staggered-stance good mornings/leg
10 leg swings/leg (front and back)
10 alternating Cossack squats
1 set:
10 deadlifts (empty barbell or training bar)
5 deadlifts (add 10-45 lb to each side)
3 deadlifts (add 10-45 lb to each side)
3 deadlifts (add 10-45 lb to each side)
3 deadlifts (add 10-45 lb to each side)
– Your next weight should be your starting weight.
3 sets for load:
6 front rack lunges
EMOM 10:
Even: :40 front-rack KB hold (35/53 lb)
Odd: :40 hollow hold