Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Saturday (Time) For Time (Teams of 2*): 100 Single DB Devils press (50/35) 100 DB Lunges 100 Bike cals** 1000m DB Carry*** *Break up however you would like **1 person has to hold DB *** if raining we will do 75 synchro Burpees instead
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Steam Engine” (Time) [TEAMS OF 3] 3 Rounds: 200 Meter Team Run 45 Power Snatches 15 Toes to Bar (Each) ‍ Into,,, ‍ 2 Rounds: 200 Meter Team Run 45 Power Snatches 15 Synchro Burpees ‍ Into… 1 Round: 200 Meter Team Run 45 Power Snatches 15 Rope Climbs (15′) ‍ Barbell: (75/55) Time Cap: 35 Minutes ‍ KG | (34/25) Warm Up ‍ General Flow 0:20 each Quad pulls Knuckle draggers Lateral lunges Lunge with reach Spiderman Downward dog Quick ups Push ups Sit ups Burpees 100m run Toe to Bar progrssion After Party Killer Core 3-4 Sets For Qualtity: 10 Barbell Rollouts 10 Barbell Sit-ups 10 Barbell Z-Press
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Back Squat (On the 3:00 x 3 Sets: 3 Back Squats * 5 Second Negative * Build In Weight ) “Pay It Forward” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 15: 55 Wallballs (20/14) 55 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 55 Box Jumps (24″/20″) ‍Mod.1: Same Mod. 2: (14/10) (35/25) (20/16) Warm Up Partner wallball warm up Grab a medball and a partner Have partners stand about 10ft apart Partners will toss the medball back and forth with different styles for about 0:30 each Chest pass Underhand throw (granny basketball throw) Side throw Have athletes turn to the side and twist to throw Side throw (opposite directions) Squat and throw (like a wallball throw) Box Jump prep After Party Posterior Pump 3-4 Sets For Quality: 10 Single Leg Weighted Hip Thrusts (Each) 20 Banded Pull Throughs 30 Side Plank With Hip Adbudctions (Each) ‍
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Back Squat (On the 3:00 x 3 Sets: 3 Back Squats * 5 Second Negative * Build In Weight ) “Pay It Forward” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 15: 55 Wallballs (20/14) 55 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 55 Box Jumps (24″/20″) ‍ KG | (9/6) Warm Up Partner wallball warm up Grab a medball and a partner Have partners stand about 10ft apart Partners will toss the medball back and forth with different styles for about 0:30 each Chest pass Underhand throw (granny basketball throw) Side throw Have athletes turn to the side and twist to throw Side throw (opposite directions) Squat and throw (like a wallball throw) Box Jump prep After Party Posterior Pump 3-4 Sets For Quality: 10 Single Leg Weighted Hip Thrusts (Each) 20 Banded Pull Throughs 30 Side Plank With Hip Adbudctions (Each) ‍
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Heart & Swole” (Time) 10 Rounds For Time: 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Dumbbell Floor Press (50/35)’s 12/9 Calorie Bike ‍ Time Cap: 30 Minutes ‍10 Rounds For Time: 3 Strict Pull-ups 7 Dumbbell Floor Press (50/35)’s 12/9 Calorie Bike 10 Rounds For Time: 5 jumping Pull-ups or ring rows 10 Dumbbell Floor Press (35/25)’s 9/6 Calorie Bike Warm Up 1:00 Bike (easy pace) 0:30 childs pose 0:30 scorpions 0:30 Downward dog 1:00 bike (moderate pace) 0:30 tall plank 0:15 toe taps 0:15 shoulder taps 0:15 push ups 1:00 bike (hard) After Party Aerobic Capacity 1 Minute Row, 6 Minute Bike Erg 2 Minute Row, 5 Minute Bike Erg 3 Minute Row, 4 Minute Bike Erg 4 Minute Row, 3 Minute Bike Erg 5 Minute Row, 2 Minute Bike Erg 6 Minute Row, 1 Minute Bike Erg ‍ * RPE 2-3
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