Mayhem Affiliate 04/19/2023

Bell House Fitness – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation and Increasing Heart Rate

Hip Halo Warmup


6 min AMRAP

30-sec ski (easy)

20-sec ski (mod)

10-sec ski (hard)

10 Heel Toe Rocks

4 Updowns to Seal Pose + Box Jump (focus on transitions over the box)

5 Iron Cross on Floor (each side – 2-sec hold at end range)

2. Workout Prep

2 sets:

2 Burpee Box Jump Overs (Build in height)

Workout (Time)

Oreo Dream Extreme Cheesecake

This is a repeat workout from 4/12/2022

Freedom (RX’d)

For Time:

100 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)


For Time:

100 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/16)


For Time:

75 Up Down + Box Step Up (20/16)

Target time: 8-10 minutes

Time cap: 15 minutes

Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min calf stretch against wall (each side)

1 min foam roll upper back


Buns and Guns

4 Rounds

10 Double DB Front Squats

10 Double DB Romanian Deadlifts

10 Elevated Heel Goblet Squats

10 Single Leg Calf Raises (hold 1 DB in opposite hand as standing leg)