CrossFit – Tue, May 14

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Full Circle (Time)

For Time:

1,500/1,350 Meter Row

100 Double Unders

30/24 Calorie Bike

100 Double Unders

1,500/1,350 Meter Row

Time Cap: 25 Minutes

Movement Mods)

Row – 1350/1200m, 1200/1000m

Dubs – 80 dubs, 60 dubs, 150 single unders, 100 single unders

Bike – 24/20 cals, 20/16 cals

Warm up

General Flow 0:20-0:30 each


Alternating spiderman


Scap push ups


Downward dog + foot pedal

Floor forearm stretch

Inchworm + push up


Toe walk

Line hops forward and back

Line hops side to side

After Party

3 Sets

10 reps/side Bulgarian Split Squats

20 Jumping Lunges

Accumulate 1:00 in a Wall-sit

Rest 1:00 Between Sets