CrossFit – Mon, Jun 10

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Bench Press (Max Repetitions of Bench Press @ 90%

* To Technical Failure

* Add 5# To Each Set From Last Attempt (4/22/24))

“Joyride” (Time)

6 Rounds For Time:

10 Single Arm Devil’s Press (50/35)

20/16 Calorie Bike Erg

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

Warm Up

0:20 each

Grab Band & DB

Banded passthrough

Banded around the world (clockwise)

Banded around the world (counter clockwise)


Downward dog

Band pull aparts

Partner 0:20 each

Round 1:

P1: Bike (easy)

P2: Push ups

Rounds 2:

P1: Bike (moderate)

P2: Crush grip press

Round 3:

P1: Bike (hard)

P2: Burpees

After Party

3-4 Sets For Quality:

40 Second Hollow Hold

20 Medicine Ball Twists

100′ Single Arm Farmers Carry (Each)

Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets