Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit
Back Squat (In a 12:00 Window
5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps
* 5 Second Negative
* Aim to Increase Weight From 7/26/24)
“Smoke On The Water” (Time)
1 Round:
21 Push Press
21 Front Squats
1,000/900 Meter Row
3 Rounds:
7 Push Press
7 Front Squats
1,000/900 Meter Row
7 Rounds:
3 Push Press
3 Front Squats
Barbell: (95/65)
Time Cap: 18 Minutes
Mod. 1:
Barbell (75/55)
Mod. 2:
Barbell (55/45)
800/600m Row
Warm Up
Rowling partner warm up
3 Rounds each partner
Both partners try to land exactly on 100m
Combine the difference of each partner, and thats how many burpees the team has to do.
If you want to add a twist, you can have try to land on 200m.
Barbell Warm Up
After Party
Bulletproof Shoulders
3×12 Dumbbell Scaption Raise
Rest 1 Minutes Between Sets
100 Banded Face Pulls