CrossFit – Mon, Feb 10

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Back Squat (3 Sets:
2 Back Squats
– Rest 20 Seconds –
3 Dumbbell Squat Jumps (Very Light)
* Build In Weight To Technical Failure
* Aim for ~83-90% of 1RM
* Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets)

Stud Finder (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

9 Front Squats

50 Meter Farmers Carry

9 Push Press

50 Meter Farmers Carry

Barbell: (135/95)

Dumbbells: (50/35)’s

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


55+ / 13-15

(95/65), (35/25)’s
Mod 1)



Mod 2)



Mod 3)

5 Rounds For Time:

9 Front Squats

30′ Handstand Walk

9 Push Press

30′ Handstand Walk

Barbell: (135/95)

Warm Up

General Flow

2:00 Bike

0:30 Bottom Squat Hold

0:30 Couch Stretch (right)

0:30 Couch Stretch (left)

0:30 Bootstraps

0:30 Glute Bridges

0:30 Slow Air Squats

Accessory Work

VO2 Max (Rowing)

For Time:

250/200 Calorie Row

Performed As:

60 Seconds Work

30 Seconds Rest

[RPE 8]