CrossFit – Tue, Feb 25

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Back Squat (4 Sets:
1 Back Squat
* Build In Weight To Technical Failure
* Rest 1-3 Minutes Between Sets)

Lungs and Lunges (Time)

For Time:

60-40-20 Calorie Row (Women’s Calories: 48-32-16)

30-20-10 Front Rack Lunges (115/85)

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


55+ / 13-15

Mod 1)

50-40-30 Row Cals (Womens Cals: 35-25-10)

30-20-10 Lunges (95/65)

Mod 2)

Lunges (75/55)

Mod 3)

KB Front Rack Lunges (70s/53s)

Warm Up

General Flow

1:30 Easy Row

0:30 Couch Stretch (right)

0:30 Couch Stretch (left)

0:30 90/90 Hip Rotations

0:30 Glute Bridges

0:30 Alternating Bird Dogs

0:30 Air Squats

Accessory Work

Killer Core

3 Sets of Each [0:40 On, 0:20 Off]:

A) Tall Plank Knees To Elbow

B) Medicine Ball Twists

C) Double Kettlebell Front Rack Hold