CrossFit – Tue, Jun 11

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

“Nancy” [BENCHMARK] (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run

15 Overhead Squats (95/65)

Time Cap: 20 Minutes
Mod. 1:

400m Run

15 OHS (75/45)

Mod. 2:

200m Run

15 OHS (45/35)

Warm Up

General Flow

Grab PVC pipes

0:30 PVC Passthrough

0:20 PVC around the world (clockwise)

0:20 PVC around the world (coutner clockwise)

0:20 Downward dog

0:20 Spidermans

0:20 Downward dog

Line Drills

100m run

Knee pulls

Quad pulls

Standing figure 4

100m run

A skips

High knees

Butt kicks

100m run

After Party

Lethal Legs

5 Sets:

30 Seconds Standing Bike Erg

1 Minute Wall Sit

30 Seconds Rest Between Rounds