CrossFit – Tue, Mar 4

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Weighted Pull-ups (5 Sets [Building In Weight]:
2 Strict Pull-ups at 75-85%

On the 1:30 x 10 Sets:
Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets)

Cut Backs (Calories)

On the 1:30 x 10 Sets:

10-1 Pull-ups

30 Double Unders

Max Calorie Row

Score : Total Cals

AGE GROUP : Same as class
Mod 1)

10-1 Pull ups

20 double unders

Mod 2)

10 -1 Jumping Pull Ups or Ring Rows

30 single unders

Mod 3)

10-1 Chest to bar

30 double unders

Warm Up

General Flow

2:00 Easy Row

0:30 Downward Dog + Foot Pedal

0:30 Child’s Pose

0:30 Mountain Climbers

0:20 Dead Hang

0:20 Supinated Dead Hang

0:20 Active Hang

Accessory Work

Killer Core

5 Rounds For Quality:

10-8-6-4-2 Barbell Rollouts

30 Second Side Plank (R)

30 Second Side Plank (L)