CrossFit – Wed, Jan 15

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

“Oil & Water” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:

30/24 Calorie Row

15 Burpees

30 Wallballs (20/14)

15 Burpees

* Rest 5 Minutes Between Rounds

* Pick-up Where You Left Off


13-15 & 55+ | (20/10) to 9′
Mod. 1:

26/20 Cal Row

12 Burpees

25 Wall Balls (20/14)

12 Burpees

Mod. 2:

22/16 Cal Row

10 Burpees

25 Wall Balls (14/10)

10 Burpees

Mod. 3

30/24 Calorie Row

30 Wallballs (20/14)

15 Wall Walks

Warm Up

General Flow

2:00 Row

0:30 Pigeon (right)

0:30 Pigeon (left)

0:30 Spiderman

0:30 Upward Dog Press Ups

0:30 Scorpions

0:20 Mountain Climbers

0:20 Quick Ups

0:20 Push Ups

0:20 Burpees

After Party

Bulletproof Shoulders


3 Sets For Quality:

10 Single Arm Strict Press (R)

10 Single Arm Strict Press (L)

* Opposite Arm In Support Position Overhead


4 Sets For Quality:

50′ Mixed Dumbbell Overhead/Rack Carry (R/L)

50′ Mixed Dumbbell Overhead/Rack Carry (L/R)

* Rest 2 Minutes Between All Sets