CrossFit – Wed, May 8

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Deadlift (Max Repetitions of Deadlifts @ 85%

* To Technical Failure

* Add 10# From Last Attempt (3/1/24))

Silent But Deadly (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


3 Deadlifts (225/155)

6 Push-ups

9 Air Squats

Movement Mods)

Deadlift – (185/125), (155/105), KB Deadlifts

Push Ups – Knee push ups, barbell or banded push ups

Air Squats – squat to a target, alt lunges

Warm up

General Flow 0:20 of each

Arm circles

Arm swings

Trunk twists

Quad pulls

Knuckle draggers

Plank shoulder taps

Reverse lunge with reach

Knee push ups

Tempo air squats

Tempo push ups

Air squats

Push ups

CT Barbell Flow :15 – :20


Back squats

Elbow rotations

Press & reach

Stiff leg deadlifts

After Party

3 Sets:

15 V-Ups

20 Banded Goodmornings

30 Second L-Sit Hold

Rest :60