Bell House Fitness – Home Gym
12.19.22 (Time)
For time:
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 alternating DB hang snatches
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB hang power cleans
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 lateral hops over DB
150-ft DB walking lunges
50 single-arm DB deadlifts
– Use a single DB for all weighted movements.
For time:
150-ft weighted walking lunges
50 weighted ground-to-overhead
150-ft weighted walking lunges
50 weighted ground-to-shoulders
150-ft weighted walking lunges
50 lateral hops over an object
150-ft weighted walking lunges
50 suitcase deadlifts
– Use any weighted object that can safely be moved for this workout.
Light-to-moderate DB (35-50 lb). Use one DB.
Reduce DB load if possible, reduce lunge distance to 100 ft or perform unweighted lunges, and reduce overall volume to 30 reps of each movement.
3 sets:
:20 walking lunge steps
:20 unweighted good mornings
:20 pike handstand shoulder taps
:20 up-downs
– Rest :10 between sets.
1 set:
50-ft DB walking lunge
10 alternating DB hang snatches
10 single-arm DB hang power cleans
10 lateral hops over DB
10 single-arm DB deadlifts
– Rest as needed between movements.
2 sets, each for time:
50 sit-ups
– Rest 3:00 between sets.
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 foam roll lower back
1:00 foam roll calves