Bell House Fitness – Home Gym
10.25.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Every 2:00 for 8 sets:
:45 AMRAP:
7 burpees
Max-rep DB power cleans
Every 2:00 for 8 sets:
:45 AMRAP:
7 burpees
Max-rep jumping squats
Burpees in less than :20, 10+ cleans each round.
As heavy as possible on the cleans (50/70 lb DBs).
Reduce the burpee volume to 5 or even 3 reps and reduce the DB load if possible and/or clean with just one DB.
3 sets:
:20 unweighted good mornings
:20 left-leg back step lunges
:20 right-leg back step lunges
:20 DB bent over rows
– Rest :10 between movements.
1 set:
10 DB deadlifts
3 burpees
8 DB hang power cleans
3 burpees
5 DB power cleans
1 set:
:30 AMRAP:
5 burpees
Max-rep DB power cleans
3 sets:
:30 plank hold
– Rest :30
:30 seated leg raises
– Rest :30
3 sets:
20 banded pull-aparts
:30 wrist extension stretch/arm