Bell House Fitness – Lifting
02.06.23 (No Measure)
3 sets for load:
5 deadlifts
Tempo sets:
3 deadlifts
– :05 on the way up and :05 on the return.
– Use around 50% of your latest 1-rep max.
This week, we will decrease the reps and increase loading on the deadlifts.
All sets should be unbroken. Adjust the loading accordingly if the designated percentage won’t allow this.
Today’s goal is around 75-80% of your last previous 1-rep. If you can do more, go for it!
Try to increase the loading of the tempo sets from last week’s sets.
In Accessory – I, rest as needed and build to your heaviest set of 8. Increase load from last week.
In Accessory – II, use the heaviest sandbag or object possible that allows you to hold for the entire minute. This should be challenging. Hold at the top of a push-up or on your forearms for the plank hold.
3 sets:
1:00 bike, row, SkiErg, or run
10 staggered-stance good mornings/leg
10 leg swings/leg (front and back)
10 alternating Cossack squats
1 set:
10 deadlifts (empty barbell or training bar)
5 deadlifts (add 10-45 lb to each side)
5 deadlifts (add 10-45 lb to each side)
5 deadlifts (add 10-45 lb to each side)
– Your next weight should be your starting weight.
3 sets for load:
8 front rack lunges
3 sets:
1:00 sandbag hold at chest
1:00 plank hold
– Rest as needed between sets.