Mayhem Affiliate 05/03/2023

Bell House Fitness – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

3 sets:

1:00 Bike (increase pace across sets)

10 Dynamic Squat Stretch

5 Roll and Reach

10 Iron Cross

10 Scorpions

2. Workout Prep

20 Secs at Set 1 Pace

-rest 30 seconds-

15 Secs at Set 2 Pace

-rest 30 seconds-

10 Secs at Set 3 Pace

Workout (15 Rounds for time)

Great Smoky Mountains

Freedom (RX’d)

5 sets:

Calorie Echo Bike 16/13

-rest 1:00-

Calorie Echo Bike 12/10

-rest 45 seconds-

Calorie Echo Bike 8/7

-rest 2:00-


5 sets:

Calorie Echo 13/10

-rest 1:00-

Calorie Echo 10/8

-rest 45 seconds-

Calorie Echo 6/5

-rest 2:00-


5 sets:

Calorie Echo 10/8

-rest 1:00-

Calorie Echo 8/7

-rest 45 seconds-

Calorie Echo 6/4

-rest 2:00-

Target time each set:

20/16 Calorie: 55-65 seconds

15/12 Calorie: 40-45 seconds

10/8 Calorie 20-25 seconds

Time cap each set:

20/16 Calorie: 75 seconds

15/12 Calorie: 55 seconds

10/8 Calorie: 45 seconds

Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min Calf Smash (each)

1 min Foam roll Hamstrings

1 min Barbell quad smash (each side)


Mini Pump

4 Rounds

10 DoubleDB Front Squats

10 Lying DB Hamstring Curls

10 DoubleDB Step Ups

15 Standing Calf Raises (holding both DBs in farmers carry)

Strict Pulling Strength Program – Test (AMRAP – Reps)

Video yourself doing your initial test and record the number of ring rows or strict pull ups (banded or bodyweight) you achieved. Put in the notes section HOW you did your ring rows or pull ups (which rings you were on, which bands/how many you used, etc).

*Pull ups must be double overhand grip

If you have 0-4 strict pull ups If you have 5 or more strict pull ups

Initial Test – one set of max effort strict pull ups (banded or bodyweight) or ring rows Initial Test – one set of max effort strict pull ups
FINAL TEST!!! Look at the video you created of your INITIAL test and do the EXACT SAME THING!