Mayhem Affiliate 05/19/2023

Bell House Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

2:00 Row


3 sets:

10 PVC Pass Throughs

10 Banded Air Squats Or Dynamic Squat Stretch


2 sets: (empty bar)

3 Snatch Push Press

3 Overhead Squats

3 Snatch Balance

2. Strength

5 sets of 2 Snatch Balance (light/moderate)

* Complete 1 set every minute for 5 minutes *

3. Workout Prep

2 sets:

3 Front Squats (build in weight)

1 Wall Walk


Snatch Balance

5 sets of 2 Snatch Balance (light/moderate)

* Complete 1 set every minute for 5 minutes


Workout (Time)

Great Scott!

Freedom (RX’d)

For Time:

10 Front Squats (115/75)


Wall Walks

(KG conv: 52/34)


For Time:

10 Front Squats (95/65)


Wall Walks

(KG conv: 43/29)


For Time:

10 Dumbbell Front Squats (light)


Inch Worms

Target time: 10-12 minutes

Time cap: 15 minutes

Skills and Drills

Rope Climbs: ​​​​​​​Week 3 Day 1 (Checkmark)

Rope Climb

Week 3 Day 1:


Every minute (10:00)

5 Strict Rope Pull Ups + 5 Rope Kipping Knee to Elbows


Every minute (10:00)

3 Strict Rope Pull Ups + 3 Rope Kipping Knee to Elbows/Knees to Chest


Every minute (10:00)

2 Zombie Rope Climbs + 5 Laying Knee Elbows

* Use towels or a rolled-up shirt over the top of a pull-up bar to simulate a rope for the rope pull-ups.

* Each set alternates what hand is on top for the Pull-ups/Knees to Elbows

Alternate Workout Options:

10-minute EMOM

Odd Minute: 20 Scap Pull Ups

Even Minute: 100-meter Run


Mobility (No Measure)

1 min lying 90/90 hip stretch (each side)

1 min overhead elbow grab tricep stretch (each side)

1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)
