Mayhem Affiliate 05/31/2023

Bell House Fitness – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

Hip Halo Warmup

Burgener Warm Up

2. Workout Prep

3 sets:

2 Back Rack Step Back Lunges (build-in weight)

3 Toes to Bar

Workout (Time)


Freedom (RX’d)

For time:


Back Rack Step back Lunges (95/65)

Toes to bar

(KG conv: 43/29)


For time:


Back Rack Step back Lunges (75/55)

Knees to Elbows

(KG conv: 34/25)


For time:


Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges (light)

Hanging Knee Raises

Target time: 6-8 minutes

Time cap: 12 minutes

Mobility (Checkmark)

1 min Barbell Quad Smash (each side)

1 min Couch Stretch (each side)

1 min Trap Smash (each side)


Clean (10-12 minutes to build to a 1 rep max squat clean )

Athletes will only choose ONE movement (squat clean or squat snatch) to work on in the 12 minutes.

Snatch (10-12 minutes to build to a 1 rep max squat snatch)

Athletes will only choose ONE movement to work on (squat clean or squat snatch) in the 12 minutes.