Mayhem Affiliate 07/04/2023

Bell House Fitness – CrossFit

Warm Up

200m jog

3 Sets

10 alt spidermen lungers/alt lunges/box step ups

5 inchworm with push up/10 HRPU knees/10 HRPUs

:30 squat hold/10 air squats/10 goblet squats

10 scap pull ups/10 knees raises/10 t2b

Practice Round

100m jog with partner

4 T2B each

4 box jumps each

4 synchro goblet squats

4 synchro HRPU

4 synchro alt lunges

July 4, 1776 (Time)

4 Rounds for Time with a Partner:

300 meter Run*

24 Toes-to-Bar**

24 Box Jumps (20”)**

24 Synchro Goblet Squats (35 lb)

24 Synchro Hand Release Push-Ups

24 Synchro Alternating Lunges

*both partners run 300m together

**Toes to bar and box jumps split however between partners