Bell House Fitness – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
1. Movement Prep/Activation
Crossover Symmetry or Banded 7’s + Hip Halo warm up
3 sets:
5 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
5 Muscle Snatch
5 Snatch Push Press
5 Overhead Squats
5 Squat Snatch
* perform with a PVC pipe or empty bar *
2. Strength
5 sets: 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch (@60-70% of 1RM Snatch), complete a set every 1:30
3 sets: 1 Overhead Squat (@90% of 1RM Snatch)
3. Workout Prep
2 sets:
3 Power Snatch (build-in weight)
100m Run (build-in pace)
3 Position Snatch
High Hang, Above the Knee, Floor
* 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch
5 sets: 1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch (@60-70% of 1RM Snatch)
Complete a set every 1:30
Hold on to the bar until all 3 reps are complete
Overhead Squat
3 sets: 1 Overhead Squat (@90% of 1RM Snatch)
* Rest as needed between sets *
Workout (2 Rounds for reps)
Honey BBQ
Freedom (RX’d)
4:00 AMRAP
10 Power Snatch (135/95)
Max distance run in the remaining time
-Rest 4:00 between AMRAPs-
4:00 AMRAP
400m Run
Max Rep Power Snatch (135/95) in the remaining time
(KG conv: 61/43)
** Scoring: for part one, each 100m = 1 rep **
4:00 AMRAP
10 Power Snatch (115/80)
Max distance run in remaining time
-Rest 4:00 between AMRAPs-
4:00 AMRAP
400m Run
Max Rep Power Snatch (115/80) in remaining time
(KG conv: 52/36)
4:00 AMRAP
10 Power Cleans (light)
Max distance run in the remaining time
-Rest 4:00 between AMRAPs-
4:00 AMRAP
300m Run
Max Rep Cleans (light) in the remaining time
Target Scores:
Set 1:
Target Distance: 600+ meters
Minimum Distance before scaling: 400 meters
Set 2:
Target number of Reps: 20+ Reps
Minimum number of Reps before scaling: 15 Reps
Mobility (Checkmark)
1 min foot smash w/ lacrosse ball (each side)
1 min Couch Stretch (each side)
1 min Seal Pose
Barbacoa de miel
Libertad (RX)
4:00 AMRAP 10 Arrebato de poder (135/95) Distancia máxima recorrida en el tiempo restante -Descanso 4:00 entre AMRAP- 4:00 AMRAP carrera de 400m Max Rep Power Snatch (135/95) en el tiempo restante (Conv. kg: 61/43) ** Puntuación: para la primera parte, cada 100 m = 1 repetición **
4:00 AMRAP 10 Arrebato de poder (115/80) Distancia máxima recorrida en el tiempo restante -Descanso 4:00 entre AMRAP-4:00 AMRAP carrera de 400m Max Rep Power Snatch (115/80) en el tiempo restante (Conv. kg: 52/36)
4:00 AMRAP 10 limpiezas potentes (ligeras) Distancia máxima recorrida en el tiempo restante -Descanso 4:00 entre AMRAP-4:00 AMRAP Carrera de 300 m Max Rep Cleans (ligero) en el tiempo restante
Puntuaciones objetivo: Serie 1: Distancia objetivo: más de 600 metros Distancia mínima antes de escalar: 400 metros Conjunto 2: Número objetivo de repeticiones: más de 20 repeticiones Número mínimo de repeticiones antes de escalar: 15 repeticiones