Mayhem Affiliate 09/30/2023

Bell House Fitness – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

3:00 Machine


Banded 7’s + Hip Halo


10:00 Amrap

100m Run (build in pace)

5 Air Squats/5 DB front squats

5 Push Press/5 thrusters

5 Pike Push Ups

10 Deadbugs

2. Workout Prep

2 sets: (with partner)

100m Partner Run

5 Synchro thrusters

2 Handstand Push Ups (each)

Workout (Time)

Potato Salad

Freedom (RX’d)

Teams of 2

200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters (35/25)

40 Handstand Push Ups

200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters (35/25)

30 Handstand Push Ups

200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters (35/25)

20 Handstand Push Ups

200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single Arm DB Thrusters (35/25)

10 Handstand Push Ups


200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single DB Thrusters (25/15)

32 Handstand Push Ups

200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single DB Thrusters

24 Handstand Push Ups

200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single DB Thrusters

16 Handstand Push Ups

200m Partner Run

20 Synchro Single DB Thrusters

8 Handstand Push Ups


200m Partner Run

15 Synchro Single DB Thrusters

40 Dumbbell Push Press (light)

200m Partner Run

15 Synchro Single DB Thrusters

30 Dumbbell Push Press (light)

200m Partner Run

15 Synchro Single DB Thrusters

20 Dumbbell Push Press (light)

200m Partner Run

15 Synchro Single DB Thrusters

10 Dumbbell Push Press (light)

Target time: 15-17 minutes

Time cap: 22 minutes

Option 1: Gymnastics Skill Work

Double Unders: Week 1 Day 2 (AMRAP – Reps)

Single Under Practice:

On a running 2 minute clock:

Accumulate the largest UNBROKEN set of Single Unders.

Athletes will work for the ENTIRE 2 minutes.

* If you trip up, start a new attempt and begin counting at 1-2-3…again. We are looking for the largest set of unbroken reps achieved within the two minute window.

Advanced option: finding the largest number of unbroken double-unders in a two-minute window.

Option 2: Mayhem Mini Pump

Mayhem Mini-Pump – Back and Biceps (Checkmark)

4 Rounds

10 Strict Pullups @ moderate weight – maintain quality

10 Seated Straight Bar Row @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality

10 Straight Arm Lat Pull Down @ moderate weight – maintain quality

10 Standing Barbell Curl @ moderate weight – maintain quality

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-


Mobility (No Measure)

1 min foot smash with lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min pec smash on rig with lacrosse ball (each side)

1 min foam roll lats (each side)