Bell House Fitness – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

1. Movement Prep/Activation

Hinshaw warm up

200m jog

“Bring Sally Up” song for squats

2. Workout Prep

100m jog together

20 singles or dubs each

10 goblet squats

HALLOWOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 with a Partner AND A PUMPKIN

200m run with your partner (partner will switch off holding pumpkin however and whenever they want during run)

50 double unders OR 100 single unders each (opposite partner is holding pumpkin overhead)

50 pumpkin goblet squats (split however between partners)

Target goal: 4+ rounds

**Can use wall ball in place of pumpkin

Mayhem Mini-Pump – Chest and Triceps (Checkmark)

4 Rounds

10 Barbell Bench Press @ moderate weight – maintain quality

10 Alt. Incline DB Bench (each side) @ Moderate weight – maintain control and quality

12 Resistance Band Chest Fly – High to Low @ moderate weight – maintain quality

10 Standing Tricep Extension w/ band @ moderate weight – maintain quality

-Rest 3 min b/t rounds-