Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Deadlift (On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:  5 Deadlifts  ‍ * Same Weight Across * Aim ~78%) Helen (Time) 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-upsTime Cap: 18 Minutes AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | (35/25) Mod.1: (35/25) 9 Pull ups Mod. 2: 300m or 200 Run 15 KBS or 21 Russian swings (35/25) 12 ring rows Mod. 3: Helena 400m Run 21 DB snatches (50/35) 12 Bar Muscle ups Warm Up General Flow 0:20-0:30 Each 200m Run Shoulder Circles Samson Stretch Cossack Squats Scorpions Inchworms to Plank Hip Circles Dynamic Leg Swings Hollow Hold Box Step-Ups Seal Jacks After Party [PART A] 3×12 Romanian Deadlifts ‍ [PART B] 3×6 Single Leg Box Hamstring Curls (Each Side) ‍ Rest 1 Minutes Between Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Deadlift (On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:  5 Deadlifts  ‍ * Same Weight Across * Aim ~78%) Helen (Time) 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-upsTime Cap: 18 Minutes AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | (35/25) Mod.1: (35/25) 9 Pull ups Mod. 2: 300m or 200 Run 15 KBS or 21 Russian swings (35/25) 12 ring rows Mod. 3: Helena 400m Run 21 DB snatches (50/35) 12 Bar Muscle ups Warm Up General Flow 0:20-0:30 Each 200m Run Shoulder Circles Samson Stretch Cossack Squats Scorpions Inchworms to Plank Hip Circles Dynamic Leg Swings Hollow Hold Box Step-Ups Seal Jacks After Party [PART A] 3×12 Romanian Deadlifts ‍ [PART B] 3×6 Single Leg Box Hamstring Curls (Each Side) ‍ Rest 1 Minutes Between Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Deadlift (On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:  5 Deadlifts  ‍ * Same Weight Across * Aim ~78%) Helen (Time) 3 Rounds for time of: 400m Run 21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35# 12 Pull-upsTime Cap: 18 Minutes REPEAT FROM 6/18/22 AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | (35/25) Warm Up General Flow 0:20-0:30 Each 200m Run Shoulder Circles Samson Stretch Cossack Squats Scorpions Inchworms to Plank Hip Circles Dynamic Leg Swings Hollow Hold Box Step-Ups Seal Jacks After Party [PART A] 3×12 Romanian Deadlifts ‍ [PART B] 3×6 Single Leg Box Hamstring Curls (Each Side) ‍ Rest 1 Minutes Between Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Shoulder Press (On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:  5 Strict Press   * Same Weight Across * Aim ~78%) “Landlocked”  (Time) For Time: 500/450 Meter Row 30 Burpees Over Rower 1,000/900 Meter Row 30 Burpees Over Rower 500/450 Meter Row ‍ Time Cap: 18 Minutes ‍ Bike Subs are (25/20)(50/40) Cal Echo AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Same as classMod. 1 450/400m Row 900/800m Row Mod. 2 400/350m Row 25 Burpees in place 800/700m Row 25 Burpee in place 400/350m Row Warm Up General Flow 0:20-0:30 Each Row (1 minute) Arm Circles Reverse Lunges with Reach Spiderman Lunges Air Squats Inchworms Lateral Shuffles Quick Ups (Burpee Prep) Shoulder Taps (in Plank Position) High Knees After Party 3 Giant Sets For Quality: 5 Strict Toes to Bar 10 V-Ups 20 Sit-ups ‍ Rest 2 Minutes Between Giant Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Shoulder Press (On the 3:00 x 3 Sets:  5 Strict Press   * Same Weight Across * Aim ~78%) “Landlocked”  (Time) For Time: 500/450 Meter Row 30 Burpees Over Rower 1,000/900 Meter Row 30 Burpees Over Rower 500/450 Meter Row ‍ Time Cap: 18 Minutes ‍ Bike Subs are (25/20)(50/40) Cal Echo AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Same as classMod. 1 450/400m Row 900/800m Row Mod. 2 400/350m Row 25 Burpees in place 800/700m Row 25 Burpee in place 400/350m Row Warm Up General Flow 0:20-0:30 Each Row (1 minute) Arm Circles Reverse Lunges with Reach Spiderman Lunges Air Squats Inchworms Lateral Shuffles Quick Ups (Burpee Prep) Shoulder Taps (in Plank Position) High Knees After Party 3 Giant Sets For Quality: 5 Strict Toes to Bar 10 V-Ups 20 Sit-ups ‍ Rest 2 Minutes Between Giant Sets
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