Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “30 For 30”  (Time) For Time: 21-18-15-12-9 Pull-ups 750/675 Meter Bike Erg 9-12-15-18-21 Toes to Bar 750/675 Meter Bike Erg ‍ Time Cap: 30 Minutes ‍ AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Same as class WARM UP 0:20 each or written time 1:00 Bike 80-84 RPM Samson stretch (right) Samson stretch (left) Scorpions Downward dog 0:40 Bike 85-90 RPM Arm circles Arm wraps Tall plank Plank toe taps 0:20 Bike 90-94 RPM Hollow body rocks Sit ups V ups Pull Up/T2B progression After Party “Nospil” Not For Time: 400 Meter Backwards Sled Drag @weight(90/60)
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Bench Press (5-7 Sets [Climbing]:  3 Bench Press  ‍ * 3 Second Pause  * Aim to Increase Weight From 8/19/24) “Chipper Gone Bad” (Calories) AMRAP 18: 100 Wallballs (20/14) 80 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 60 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 40 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35)’s Max Calorie Row ‍ ‍ AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Wallball: (20/10), Dumbbell: (35/20)Mod. 1: (14/10) (35/25) (20/16) (35/25)’s Mod. 2: 80 Wallballs (14/10) 60 Dumbbell Snatches (35/20) 40 Box Jumps (16”) 20 Dumbbell Push Press (35/20)’s Max Calorie Row ‍ Mod. 3: HSPU for the Dumbbell push press WARM UP 0:20 each or written time 1:00 Row Medball deadlifts Medball good mornings (bear hug the medball) Medball trunk twists (bear hug the medball) Arm circles (full range of motion) Alternating worlds greatest Plank shoulder taps Tempo knee push ups Medball front squats Medball shoulder press Pushups Medball thrusters Wallballs 0:30 Row DB...
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Bench Press (5-7 Sets [Climbing]:  3 Bench Press  ‍ * 3 Second Pause  * Aim to Increase Weight From 8/19/24) “Chipper Gone Bad” (Calories) AMRAP 18: 100 Wallballs (20/14) 80 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35) 60 Box Jumps (24”/20”) 40 Dumbbell Push Press (50/35)’s Max Calorie Row ‍ KG | 9/6, 22.5/15 ‍ AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Wallball: (20/10), Dumbbell: (35/20) WARM UP 0:20 each or written time 1:00 Row Medball deadlifts Medball good mornings (bear hug the medball) Medball trunk twists (bear hug the medball) Arm circles (full range of motion) Alternating worlds greatest Plank shoulder taps Tempo knee push ups Medball front squats Medball shoulder press Pushups Medball thrusters Wallballs 0:30 Row DB Warm Up Progression Bench Press After Party Bulletproof Shoulders 3 Giant Sets: 8 Single Dumbbell Arnold Press (R) 50′ Dumbbell Overhead Carry (R) 8 Single Dumbbell Arnold Press (L) 50′ Dumbbell...
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit 9/28/24 (Time) Teams of 2 25 Snatch 135/95 (heavy enough to be singles) 50 C2B (mod’s: PU, RR, BMU) 75 Clean (same weight as snatch) 100 burpee over bar (burpee in place) *chipper style *you go, I go. (divide work however you would like) After Party Zone 2 30-60 Minute Bike Erg (RPE 2-3)
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Announcements ATTENTION FAM!!! We are so pumped to announce that we will no longer have the papers for drinks and supplements starting Monday, September 9th! Everything will be charged immediately via the iPad that has been set up in the retail area. With that said, you will need to go to your app settings under account you’ll see “PIN”. Create a 4digit PIN and you’ll be able to check out quick and easy! 🥳 Steps to creating a PIN: Go to you Wodify App Top Left corner > go to “Settings” Under “account” you’ll see “PIN” > CLICK PIN Create your 4-digit PIN > hit “SAVE” top right corner YOU’RE ALL SET! Get with a coach in class if you have any issues or need any help! Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “TEAM ABBATTE” (Time) For Time: 1 Mile Team Run 21 Clean & Jerks (Each) 800 Meter Team Run 21...
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