Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Sumo Deadlift (In a 12:00 Window 5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps Building to 75% to 80% for final set of 3 * Build In Weight) “Backhanded” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) [AMRAP 12]: 3 Rounds: 50 Double Unders 25 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts Directly Into… Max Rounds: 25 Double Unders 2-4-6-8-10…Devil’s Press Dumbbells: (50/35)’sMod. 1 30 Double unders (35s/25s) 15 Double unders Mod. 2 75 or 50 singles (25s/15s) 40 or 25 singles Warm Up General flow 0:20-0:30 each Grab DBs and jump rope Jumping jacks Spidermans Boot straps Line hops DB deadlifts DB hang cleans Line hops DB snatch Burpees Devils press After Party Posterior Pump [PART A] 3 Sets: 10 Pausing Single Leg Hip Thrusts (Each Leg) [PART B] 3 Sets: 30 Banded Hip Thrust Abductions Rest 1 Minutes Between All Sets
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