Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Front Squat (In a 12:00 Window 5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps Building to 75% to 85% for final set of 3 * 5 Second Negative * Build In Weight) “Two For One” (Time) 30-20-10: Power Snatch Front Squat 400 Meter Run Barbell: (95/65) Time Cap: 18 MinutesMod. 1: (75/55) Mod. 2: (45/35) 300m Run Warm Up :20 each Grab PVC pipes PVC pass through Quad pulls Knuckle draggers PVC around the worlds Spider man Scorpions PVC snatch grip press Air squat Downward dog PVC overhead squat High knee Butt kicks 100m run After Party Posterior Pump 4-5 Sets For Quality: 10 Barbell Hip Thrusts 10 Second Hold At Top Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets
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