Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Time Will Tell” (Time) [On the 00:00]: 5,000/4,500m Echo Bike [On the 10:00]: 2,000/1,800 Meter Row [On the 20:00]: 1 Mile Run Score: Total Working Time Time Cap: 30 Minutes Mod. 1 Same Mod. 2: 3.8/3.4km Bike 1,500/1,350m Row 1,200m Run BAF: 2.5/2.25km Bike 1000/900m Row 800m Run Warm Up Knuckle draggers Quad walk Lunge and reach Toe walk Heel walk Lateral lunges A skips High knees Butt kicks Shuttle run slow (x2 down and back) Shuttle run moderate (x2 down and back) Shuttle run fast (x2 down and back) Cadence warm up and Row After Party Posterior Pump 3-4 Sets For Quality: 10 Banded Russian Kettlebell Swings 30 Second Banded Hip Thrust Hold 50′ Banded Monster Walk Steps (25′ Each Way)
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