Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) RX 3 rounds for reps: 2:00 rope climbs (15 ft) 1:00 weighted sit-ups (15/25 lb) 1:00 Echo bike – Rest 1:00 Mod 1 3 rounds for reps: 2:00 rope climbs (10 ft) 1:00 weighted sit-ups (10/15 lb) 1:00 Echo bike – Rest 1:00 Mod 2 3 rounds for reps: 2:00 pull-to-stands 1:00 sit-ups 1:00 Echo bike – Rest 1:00SKILL WORK Post-workout: Accumulate: 50 weighted dips – Use a dumbbell or medicine ball to add load to the dips. – Perform the dips on the rings or static straight bars.
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX 5 rounds for time: 12 hang power clean and jerks (75/115 lb) 9 thrusters 6 power snatches Mod 1 5 rounds for time: 12 hang power clean and jerks (65/95 lb) 9 thrusters 6 power snatches Mod 2 5 rounds for time: 12 hang power clean and jerks (45/65 lb) 9 thrusters 6 power snatchesSKILL WORK Pre-workout: 5 sets: 3 squat clean and strict presses – Each set must be completed unbroken. – Increase load across as many sets as possible.
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX AMRAP 9: 15 KB swings (24/32 kg) 50-ft handstand walk Mod 1 AMRAP 9: 15 KB swings (24/32 kg) 25-ft handstand walk Mod 2 AMRAP 9: 15 KB swings (24/32 kg) 100-ft bear crawlSKILL WORK Post-workout: 8 sets: :20 seated L-sit hold – Rest :10
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Overhead Lunge (6-6-6) Front Rack Lunge (8-8-8) Back Rack Lunge (10-10-10)
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