Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX For time: 400/500-m row 25 shoulder presses (75/115 lb) 400/500-m row 15 shoulder presses 400/500-m row 10 shoulder presses 400/500-m row – Each time the athlete breaks a set of shoulder presses they must row 100 m. Mod 1 For time: 300/400-m row 25 shoulder presses (65/95 lb) 300/400-m row 15 shoulder presses 300/400-m row 10 shoulder presses 300/400-m row – Each time the athlete breaks a set of shoulder presses they must row 100 m. Mod 2 For time: 200/250-m row 15 shoulder presses (55/75 lb) 200/250-m row 10 shoulder presses 200/250-m row 5 shoulder presses 200/250-m row – Each time the athlete breaks a set of shoulder presses they must row 100 m.SKILL WORK Post-workout: 2 sets: 15 KB side-bends/arm Max-rep strict ring dips
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting Weightlifting MAIN LIFT Deadlift For load: 10 reps (107%) 12 reps (103%) 14 reps (98%) – Rest 3:00 between sets. Warm-up (No Measure) NOTES Welcome to week 5 of the Mechanics lifting cycle in which we are focused on building the base for our strength development. Today we are working off of your 20-rep max that we found in week 1. Take the load of your 20-rep max and multiply it by the percentages in today’s lifting session. This will determine your loads for each set. Each set is meant to be unbroken. Feel free to rest at the top of the deadlift, but once the bar hits the ground, it should come right back up. Rest about 3:00 between sets. Look for next week’s percentages to go up and the reps to go down. In Accessory – I, see the video below for the...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon See you all at Faith Family Church at 6:30 am for the Prayer Walk. We will begin our 3-mile walk at 7:00 am!! Metcon (Distance) For Distance
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX For time: 3-6-9-12-15-15-12-9-6-3: Deadlifts (105/155 lb) Box jump-overs (20/24 in) – Athletes stand at the top of the box and step down. Mod 1 For time: 3-6-9-12-15-15-12-9-6-3: Deadlifts (75/115 lb) Box jump-overs (20/24 in) – Athletes stand at the top of the box and step down. Mod 2 For time: 2-4-6-8-10-10-8-6-4-2: Deadlifts (55/75 lb) Box step-overs (12/20 in) – Athletes stand at the top of the box and step down.SKILL WORK Post-workout: 4 sets: :30 side plank/side 1:00 GHD sit-ups
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