Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 01.21.23 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 20 with a partner: 600-m run 100 DB swings 20 wall walks – Split work as needed, 1 partner works at a time. BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 20 with a partner: 600-m run 100 air squats 20 wall walks – Split work as needed, 1 partner works at a time. WORKOUT NOTES 2-3 rounds. Light DB load (35/50 lb). Use one DB for the swings. Scale the distance of the run to 400-m or substitute with 40 burpees. Reduce the DB load as needed. Reduce the wall walk to a partial ROM as needed. WARM-UP 1 set: 400-m run 15 DB deadlifts 15 x push-ups + 2 shoulder taps 1 set: 400-m run 15 DB swings 4 wall walks ACCESSORY Post-workout: Accumulate: 30 DB Turkish get-ups STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 pigeon stretch/leg :30 couch stretch/leg
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 01.20.23 MAIN LIFT 3 sets for load: 3 hang squat cleans – Build to a 3-rep max. 2 drop sets: 1 complex @ 95% 1 complex @ 90%   NOTES For the Main Lift, start your heavy sets around 80% of your 1-rep max hang squat clean. Build to a 3-rep max. Perform 2 additional drop sets at 95% and 90% of your heaviest set of the day. Rest 3:00 between sets. For Accessory – I, build to a heavy set of 3 clean pulls. All sets should be heavier than the top set of your Main Lift. For Accessory – II, use a box height and KB load combination that allows the squats to be finished by the 1:00 mark. WARM-UP EMOM 9: Min. 1 | :45 bike (easy) Min. 2 | 15 GHD hip extensions Min. 3 | 7 DB goblet squats (building)...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Crossfit Games Open 18.2 (Ages 16-54) (Time) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of: Dumbbell squats 50/35 lb Bar-facing burpees -12 minute time cap – If you finish under the time cap, use remaining time to complete 18.2a – If you don’t finish before the time cap, add 1 second for every rep you don’t complete before the time cap Crossfit Games Open 18.2 A (all divisions) (Weight) Use the remaining time from 18.2 to accomplish a 1RM clean
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 01.20.23 (AMRAP – Reps) EQUIPMENT On a 12:00 clock: For time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of: Dumbbell squats DB-facing burpees – Use two DBs. In remaining time: Max-rep DB thrusters – Use two DBs. BODYWEIGHT On a 12:00 clock: For time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of: Weighted single-leg squats (15-25 lb) Object-facing burpees In remaining time: Max-rep burpees to a 12-in target WORKOUT NOTES Less than 10:00 and 15+ thrusters. Moderate DB loading (35/50 lb). Reduce DB load as needed, scale to regular burpees, and reduce the volume by starting at the round of 6 if necessary. WARM-UP 2 sets: 10 alternating spiderman stretch 10 hamstring scoops/side 10 alternating cossack squats 5 wall squats 1 set: 5 DB squats 5 DB push presses 5 DB thrusters 2 sets: 2-3-4 Dumbbell squats DB-facing burpees – Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets. ACCESSORY Post-workout: EMOM 8: 1 tempo...
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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