Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 01.10.23 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 10: 1-2-3-4-5… etc. DB power clean Handstand push-ups on DBs BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 10: 1-2-3-4-5… etc. Weighted cleans Deficit handstand push-ups (4/2 in) WORKOUT NOTES 7+ rounds. Moderate load (35/50 lb). Use two DBs. 2/4 inch deficit. Reduce the deficit of the HSPU as needed, scale to pike push-ups from a deficit, and reduce DB load or use just one DB as needed. WARM-UP 1 set: 20 unweighted good mornings 20 alternating shoulder taps 20 knee push-ups 1 set: 10 DB deadlifts 10 pike push-ups on DBs :30 handstand hold 1 set: 5 DB power cleans 3-5 handstand push-ups on DBs ACCESSORY Pre-workout: 6 sets: 1:00 max distance handstand walk or max rep wall walks – rest 1:00 STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 double forearm stretch :30 lacrosse ball pec mash/side
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 01.09.23 (5 Rounds for reps) EQUIPMENT 5 x 1:00 rounds for reps: 12 hand-release push-ups Max-rep DB push presses – Rest 3:00 between rounds. BODYWEIGHT 5 x 1:00 rounds for reps: 12 hand-release push-ups Handstand push-ups – Rest 3:00 between rounds. WORKOUT NOTES 10+ reps/round. Heavy DBs (50/70 lb). Use two DBs. Scale push-ups to the knees, reduce the reps, reduce the DB load, and use just one DB if necessary. WARM-UP 3 sets: 10 alternating plank reach throughs 5 dive bomber push-ups :30 prone snow angels :30 hollow hold 2 sets: 6 hand-release push-ups 6 DB push presses ACCESSORY Post-workout: 3 x AMRAP 1:30: 50 double-unders Max-rep burpee-to-target – Rest 1:00 between sets. STRETCHING Accumulate: 1:00 doorway shoulder stretch/side 1:00 reach, roll, and lift
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 01.09.23 MAIN LIFT 3 sets for load: 2 pause split jerks 1 split jerk – Pause in the dip of the jerk for :01. 2 drop sets: 1 complex @ 95% 1 complex @ 90%   NOTES Welcome to Week 2 of this 4-week cycle! The complexes are slightly modified and should allow you to lift slightly heavier this week. For the Main Lift, perform 3 heavy sets of the complex, building in load. Leave 10-20 lbs in the tank, versus going as heavy as possible. Perform 2 additional drop sets at 95% and 90% of your heaviest set of the day. Rest 3:00 between sets. For Accessory – I, Build to a heavy set of 3 back squats. Leave 5-10 lbs in the tank, rather than finding a true 3-rep max. For Accessory – II, Start with a moderate load and build to a...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Push Press (For load: Push press 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1) SKILL WORK Post-workout: 3 x AMRAP 1:30: 50 double-unders Max-rep burpees-to-target – Rest 1:00 between sets.
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 01.07.23 MAIN LIFT 3 sets for load: 2 dip squat cleans 1 hang squat clean – Dip is from the hip, and the hang is from above the knee. 2 drop sets: 1 complex @ 95% 1 complex @ 90%   NOTES For the Main Lift, perform 3 heavy sets of the complex, building in load. Leave 10-20 lbs in the tank, versus going as heavy as possible. Maintain a vertical torso for the dip squat cleans, but lean the torso forward OVER the bar for the hang squat clean. Perform 2 additional drop sets at 95% and 90% of your heaviest set of the day. Rest 3:00 between sets. For Accessory – I, complete all squats within the prescribed percentage range. Rest 3:00 between sets and focus on standing the bar up quickly. For Accessory – II, use a medicine ball to add load...
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