Bell House Fitness – Lifting Rest Day
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 09.07.22 (AMRAP – Reps) EQUIPMENT 7 x 1:00 rounds for reps: 15 air squats Max-rep DB squat clean and jerks – Rest 1:00 between rounds. BODYWEIGHT 7 x 1:00 rounds for reps: 20 air squats Max-rep deficit handstand push-ups – Rest 1:00. WORKOUT NOTES 5+ reps each round. Heavy loading (greater than 35/50 lb if possible). Scale back the number of air squats to finish within :25 every round. WARM-UP 3 sets: 5 elbow instep + reach/side 10 air squats 3 wall-squats 1 set: 8 DB deadlifts 8 DB hang power cleans 5 DB front squats 5 DB squat cleans 5 DB shoulder-to-overhead reps 3 DB squat clean and jerks ACCESSORY On a 3:00 clock: 1:00 air squats 1:00 DB thrusters 1:00 DB overhead squats – No rest between movements. STRETCHING 2 sets: 1:00 foam roll quads/side 15 reach-roll-lift on foam roller
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Clean and Jerk (7 sets for load: 3 clean and jerks) SKILL WORK Post-workout: On a 3:00 clock: 1:00 air squats 1:00 empty bar thrusters 1:00 empty bar overhead squats – No rest between movements. Strict Pulling Strength Program If you have 0-4 strict pull ups If you have 5 or more strict pull ups 3×20 – Lat Pulldowns (with PVC pipe and red or black band) Rest 1:00 between each set 3×20 – Lat Pulldowns (with PVC pipe and red or black band) Rest 1:00 between each set
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 09.06.22 MAIN LIFT Every 1:15 x 10 sets: 3 box squats (75%)   NOTES This is the second week of our final four-week mini-cycle. Focus on speed and stamina with each box squat. If the weight is too heavy to move quickly for all three reps, reduce it. Rest with your remaining time in the minute. The target should be placed just above parallel. Use a solid box or a bench. Base the percentage off of your 1-rep max. In Accessory – I, use the heaviest pair of DBs possible to complete the DB step-ups, and increase load across each set. * Use a barbell for the reverse lunges, and increase load as needed. WARM-UP 3 sets: 1:00 bike, row, skierg, or run 10 alternating spiderman stretches 10 leg swings/leg (across body) 10 good mornings 10 air squats 1 set: 10 box squats (empty barbell...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 09.06.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 7 rounds for time: 10 burpees-to-target (6 in) 20 sit-ups BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 9:00-14:00. Light, bodyweight workout. Reduce the rounds to 6 or 5 if necessary to avoid reducing the volume of each round. WARM-UP 2 sets: :20 hollow hold 20 unweighted good mornings 10 knee push-ups 10 supermen 5 dive bombers 5 wall squats 2 sets: :20 burpees to-target (6 in) – Rest :10. :20 sit-ups – Rest as needed. ACCESSORY 3 sets: 25 DB good mornings – Rest as needed between sets. STRETCHING 1 set: 1:00 cobra stretch 1:00 couch stretch/side
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