Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 08.26.22 (Time) RX For time: 60-48-36-24-12: Double-unders 30-24-18-12-6: DB power cleans (35/50 lbs) Mod 1 For time: 30-24-18-12-6: Double-unders DB power cleans (20/35 lbs) Mod 2 For time: 60-48-36-24-12: single-unders 30-24-18-12-6: DB power cleans (10/15 lbs) SKILL WORK Post-workout: For time with a partner: 50 DB devils presses – Alternate every rep.
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.25.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds for time: 15 hand-release push-ups 300-m run BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 10:00-15:00. Lower-skill bodyweight workout. Scale push-ups to the knees as needed. WARM-UP 2 sets: 10 alternating scorpion stretch 10 lying leg crossovers 1 set: 400-m run 10 tempo push-ups 200-m run 5 tempo hand-release push-ups 1 set: 8 hand-release push-ups 300-m run 8 hand-release push-ups ACCESSORY EMOM 7: 3 DB upright rows/arm 3 DB shoulder press/arm STRETCHING Accumulate: 1:00 doorway pec-stretch/side 1:00 PVC Cuban presses
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 08.25.22 (Time) RX 5 rounds for time: 15 strict ring dips 300-m run Mod 1 5 rounds for time: 15 banded ring dips 300-m run Mod 2 5 rounds for time: 15 bench dips 300-m run SKILL WORK Pre-workout: EMOM 7: 3 muscle-ups
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting Hang Power Snatch (MAIN LIFT For load: 2 hang power snatches – Build to a 2-rep max.) NOTES This is the eighth week in our third cycle. The goal is to test how well focusing on speed at submaximal loads contributes to our 2-rep hang power snatch. Base the percentages on a recent 1-rep max. Lift as heavy as possible for 2 unbroken reps. Keep the bar above the knee for all reps. Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets, and take no more than 2 attempts at a single weight if you fail a set. This should take around 15:00-20:00+ to complete. In Accessory – I, Use the same load for each set of work. Rest 1:00 exactly between movements, and look to increase load each round. WARM-UP 2 sets: 1:00 ski 1:00 row :30 side plank hold/side EMOM 6: 3-5 seated box jump – Increase height...
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