Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Bench Press (Bench Press 3 Sets:  1 Bench Press  ‍ * Same Weight Across  * Aim For 89% 1RM) “Home Sweet Home” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 15: 15 Hand Release Push-ups 30 Sit-ups 60 Double Unders ‍ AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Same as ClassMod. 1: 12 HRPU 30 Sit-ups 45 Double Unders Mod. 2: 12 AbMat push ups 30 Sit ups 90 Single Unders Mod. 3: 12 Deficit HSPU (45/25) Plates Warm Up General Flow 0:30 Each Calf Stretch (right) Calf Stretch (left) Pec Stretch (right) Pec Stretch (left) Upward Dog Press Ups Pogo Hops Inchworms Hollow Hold Single Unders Sit Ups Double Unders After Party Killer Core For Quality: 50 Second Front Plank, 10 V-Ups 40 Second Front Plank, 20 V-Ups 30 Second Front Plank, 30 V-Ups 20 Second Front Plank, 40 V-Ups 10 Second Front Plank, 50 V-Ups
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Mindset Monday Albert Schweitzer “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” ‍ True success stems from finding joy in your work, not from external achievements. Fortitude (AMRAP – Reps) On the Minute x 30: 1 Minute Max Cal Row 1 Minute Max Burpee Warm Up General Flow 0:30 Each Pigeon (right) Pigeon (left) Worlds Greatest (right) Worlds Greatest (left) Scorpions Inchworm + Push Up Bootstraps Quick Ups Mountain Climbers After Party 3 Giant Sets For Quality: 7 Strict Toes to Bar 20 Second Hollow Hold 20 Medicine Ball Twists (10/side) ‍ Rest 1 Minute Between Giant Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit 12.28.24 (4 Rounds for time) 5 min stations Rest in time remaining: (4:30 Cap) 30 DB Snatch 500m Row 30 DB Lunge 400m Ski or 800m Bike (*May need to have people start at different parts of this) 30 Burpees 400m Run 30 Single DB Thrusters (15 each) 24/18 Cal Bike Post workout Pump: (No Measure) 3 rounds 21s w empty Barbell (7 bottom to middle, 7 middle to top, 7 total) 30 Banded Tricep extensions Rest 1:00 Between rounds.
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit 12.28.24 (4 Rounds for time) 5 min stations Rest in time remaining: (4:30 Cap) 30 DB Snatch 500m Row 30 DB Lunge 400m Ski or 800m Bike (*May need to have people start at different parts of this) 30 Burpees 400m Run 30 Single DB Thrusters (15 each) 24/18 Cal Bike Post workout Pump: (No Measure) 3 rounds 21s w empty Barbell (7 bottom to middle, 7 middle to top, 7 total) 30 Banded Tricep extensions Rest 1:00 Between rounds.
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit 12.28.24 (4 Rounds for time) 5 min stations Rest in time remaining: (4:30 Cap) 30 DB Snatch 500m Row 30 DB Lunge 400m Ski or 800m Bike (*May need to have people start at different parts of this) 30 Burpees 400m Run 30 Single DB Thrusters (15 each) 24/18 Cal Bike Post workout Pump: (No Measure) 3 rounds 21s w empty Barbell (7 bottom to middle, 7 middle to top, 7 total) 30 Banded Tricep extensions Rest 1:00 Between rounds.
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