Bell House Fitness – CrossFit
09.16.22 (Time)
For time:
50 toes-to-bar
400-m run
30 DB deadlifts (35/50 lb)
20 DB hang power cleans
10 DB push presses
For time:
50 toes-to-bar
400-m run
30 DB deadlifts (25/35 lb)
20 DB hang power cleans
10 DB push presses
For time:
50 knee raises
400-m run
30 DB deadlifts (15/25 lb)
20 DB hang power cleans
10 DB push presses
Accumulate with a partner:
40 DB Turkish get-ups
Strict Pulling Program
0-4 Pull Ups:
3 sets of max effort lock off pull ups (banded or bodyweight)
If can not hold chin above the bar, hold at the top of a ring row for as long as you can in the most horizontal position that you can.
Rest 2:00 between each set
5 or More Pull Ups:
3 sets of max effort lock off pull ups (banded or bodyweight)
If can not hold chin above the bar, hold at the top of a ring row for as long as you can in the most horizontal position that you can.
Rest 2:00 between each set