Lifting – Thu, Oct 6

Bell House Fitness – Lifting

Back Squat (MAIN LIFT
3 sets:
7 back squats
– Building to your heaviest set of 7.


We are in our fourth and final weightlifting cycle for the year. During the next twelve weeks, we will focus on maximum effort strength, lifting some of the heaviest loads we have lifted all year with two basic barbell movements and two Olympic lifts per week. We hope to see a few resulting PRs!

We’ll see the snatch and clean throughout the entire twelve weeks, however, the basic barbell lifts will change on the fifth week and the ninth week.

Today, we build to our heaviest set of 7 unbroken reps. Take ample time to warm up and build to your starting weight. This should be around 75% of your 1-rep max.

In Accessory – I, take a barbell off a rack and perform 6 lunges on each leg. Build to a heavy 6 reps for the day. Complete all 6 reps on one leg and then all 6 on the other. Observe which leg is stronger — this is good information to inform future training.


3 sets:

1:00 bike, row, SkiErg, or run

10 alternating Spiderman stretches

10 leg swings/leg (across body)

10 good mornings

10 air squats

1 set:

10 back squats (empty barbell or training bar)

5 back squats (add 10-45 lb to each side)

5 back squats (add 10-45 lb to each side)

5 back squats (add 10-45 lb to each side)

– Your next weight should be your starting weight.

– Take weight out of a rack.


5 sets for load:

6 back-rack lunges/leg