CrossFit – Fri, May 3

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Back Squat (Max Repetitions of Back Squats @ 80%

* To Technical Failure

* Add 10# From Last Attempt (2/19/24) )

Lights Out (Time)

For Time:

75 Hang Power Snatches

Every 2 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]:

15 Thrusters

Barbell: (75/55)

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

Movement Mods)

Snatches – 45/35, Alt DB Snatches

Thrusters – 45/35, Front Squats, Push Press

Warm up

General Flow

Get out barbells & PVCs

:30 PVC pass through

:30 PVC around the world

:30 Samsons R

:30 Samsons L

:30 Childs pose

:30 Downward dog

:30 Alternating spidermans w/ reach

:30 Pigeon right

:30 Pigeon left

:30 PVC Overhead squat

CT Barbell flow :15-:20 each


Back squats

Elbow rotations

Press & reach

Stiff Leg deadlifts

Front squats