CrossFit – Fri, Sep 9

Bell House Fitness – CrossFit

09.10.11 (Time)


3 rounds for time:

24 back squats (95/135 lb)

18 push presses

Mod 1

3 rounds for time:

24 back squats (75/115 lb)

18 push presses

Mod 2

3 rounds for time:

24 back squats (65/95 lb)

18 push presses



On a 10:00 clock:

3 back squats + 1 behind the neck push jerk

– Build to a heavy complex from the floor.

Strict Pulling Strength Program

If you have 0-4 strict pull ups If you have 5 or more strict pull ups

3×10 on each side – DB bent over rows (moderate weight, pause for 2 seconds at the top of the rep)

Rest 2:00 between each set 3×10 on each side – DB bent over rows (moderately heavy weight, pause for 2 seconds at the top of the rep)

Rest 2:00 between each set