CrossFit – Wed, May 1

Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit

Deadlift (Max Repetitions of Deadlifts @ 80%

* To Technical Failure

* Add 10# From Last Attempt (2/23/24))

Pick Me Up (Time)

For Time

Buy-In: 1,500/1350 Meter Row

60 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

30 Deadlifts (245/165)

* Partition Box & Deadlift However

Time Cap 15:00

Movement Mods)

Row – 1350/1200m row, 1200/1000m row

Box Jumps – 20/16

Deadlift – 205/145, 135/95

Warm up

General Flow 0:20 -0:30 Each


Lunge and reach



Box step ups

Box step downs


Bunny hops

3 x Tabata vertical jumps :20 on / :10 off

Increasing height each round until workout height

Box jumps

CT Barbell flow :15-:20 each


Back squats

Elbow rotations

Press & reach

Stiff Leg deadlifts

Front squats

After Party

5 Sets

20 Hollow Rocks

10 V-Ups