Bell House Fitness – Lifting
On a 20:00 clock:
Build to a 1-rep max hang squat snatch
This is the final week of this 4-week cycle.
Build up to 70-80% of your 1-rep-max hang squat snatch and then take as many attempts as needed to find a heavy single for the day.
If you fail the same load 3x in a row, reduce the weight by 10-20% and perform 1-3 high-quality reps.
Prioritize attempting small PRs (1-5 lbs). Then, use any remaining time to attempt additional PRs.
In Accessory I – Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets. Focus on pushing the heels down through the ground through the entire rep. Use straps if desired.
3 sets:
1:00 row
1:00 ski
:30 stretch in the bottom of a squat.
1 set:
5 hang muscle snatches
5 behind the neck push jerks
5 dip power snatches
5 hang power snatches
5 overhead squats
5 hang squat snatches
– Use an empty barbell.
1 hang power snatch + 1 hang squat snatch (20-50%)
– Add load once every 3 minutes.
3-4 sets:
1 hang squat snatch
– Build in load to 70-80%.
5 sets for load:
5 hang snatch pulls
– Build to a 5-rep-max.