Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Hansel & Grettel” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 30: 45 Burpee Box Jumps (24″”/20″”) 45/36 Calorie Row 45 Clean & Jerks (135/95) 45/36 Calorie Row ‍ KG | (61/43) Warm Up Partner “rowling” game. Box jump progression warm up Barbell Warm Up -C&J progression After Party Killer Core 3 Giant Sets: 7 Strict Toes to Bar 14 Weighted AbMat Sit-ups ‍ Rest 2 Minute Between Giant Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Front Squat (In a 12:00 Window 5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps Building to 75% to 80%  for final set of 3  ‍ * Build In Weight) “Ripple Effect” (Time) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Front Squats (135/95) 200 Meter Run ‍ Time Cap: 18 Minutes” ‍Mod. 1 (115/85) Mod. 2 (75/55) 100m Run Warm Up General flow 0:30 pigeon (right) 0:30 pigeon (left) 0:30 samson (right) 0:30 samson (left) 0:20 100m run 0:20 High knees 0:20 Butt kicks 0:20 100m run Barbell Warm-Up After Party Bulletproof Shoulders 3 Giant Sets: 10 Dumbbell Front Raises 10 Dumbbell Side Raises 10 Dumbbell Reverse Flyes ‍ Rest 1 Minutes Between Giant Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Front Squat (In a 12:00 Window 5-7 Building Sets of 3 Reps Building to 75% to 80%  for final set of 3  ‍ * Build In Weight) “Ripple Effect” (Time) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10: Front Squats (135/95) 200 Meter Run ‍ Time Cap: 18 Minutes” ‍ KG | (61/43) Warm Up General flow 0:30 pigeon (right) 0:30 pigeon (left) 0:30 samson (right) 0:30 samson (left) 0:20 100m run 0:20 High knees 0:20 Butt kicks 0:20 100m run Barbell Warm-Up After Party Bulletproof Shoulders 3 Giant Sets: 10 Dumbbell Front Raises 10 Dumbbell Side Raises 10 Dumbbell Reverse Flyes ‍ Rest 1 Minutes Between Giant Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Time Lord” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 30: 50 Strict Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 150 Sit-ups ‍ Every 2 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]: 500 Meter Bike or 200m runMod. 1 30 Strict Pull-ups 80 Push-ups 120 Sit-ups Mod. 2 50 Ring rows 80 Push-ups to abmat 100 Sit-ups ‍ ‍ Warm Up General flow 0:20-0:30 each Bend and reach Samson (right) Samson (left) Scorpions Prone snow angels Tall plank Downward dog Up down planks Lunge + reach Cossak squats Tempo push ups Hollow rocks Push ups Sit ups After Party Gun Show 3 Super Sets: 20 Dumbbell Chest Flyes 20 Dumbbell Tricep Kick Backs ‍ Rest 1 minute between Super Sets
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Time Lord” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 30: 50 Strict Pull-ups 100 Push-ups 150 Sit-ups ‍ Every 2 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]: 500 Meter Bike Erg Warm Up General flow 0:20-0:30 each Bend and reach Samson (right) Samson (left) Scorpions Prone snow angels Tall plank Downward dog Up down planks Lunge + reach Cossak squats Tempo push ups Hollow rocks Push ups Sit ups After Party Gun Show 3 Super Sets: 20 Dumbbell Chest Flyes 20 Dumbbell Tricep Kick Backs ‍ Rest 1 minute between Super Sets
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