Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Weight) RX 7 sets for load: 1 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats Mod 1 Same as Rx’d Mod 2 7 sets for load: 3 snatch balances + 3 overhead squatsSKILL WORK Post-workout: 4 sets: :40 alternating single-leg squats – Rest :20
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) RX EMOM 20: Min. 1 | 1:00 calorie row Min. 2 | :30 ring dips Score = total reps and calories. Mod 1 Same as Rx’d Mod 2 EMOM 20: Min. 1 | 1:00 calorie row Min. 2 | :30 push-ups Score = total reps and calories.SKILL WORK Post-workout: 4 sets: :20 pike-ups on the rower – Rest :10 :20 sit-ups – Rest :10
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX For time: 1,600-m run 150 double-unders 50 burpees 800-m run 100 double-unders 35 burpees 400-m run 50 double-unders 20 burpees Mod 1 For time: 1,600-m run 100 double-unders 50 burpees 800-m run 50 double-unders 35 burpees 400-m run 25 double-unders 20 burpees Mod 2 For time: 800-m run 150 single-unders 40 burpees 400-m run 100 single-unders 25 burpees 200-m run 50 single-unders 10 burpees
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX For time: 50 GHD hip extensions 20 kipping pull-ups 25 GHD hip extensions 20 kipping pull-ups 50 single-leg squats 20 kipping pull-ups 25 single-leg squats 20 kipping pull-ups Mod 1 For time: 30 GHD hip extensions 15 kipping pull-ups 15 GHD hip extensions 15 kipping pull-ups 30 single-leg squats 15 kipping pull-ups 15 single-leg squats 15 kipping pull-ups Mod 2 For time: 50 Superman arch-ups 20 ring rows 25 Superman arch-ups 20 ring rows 50 walking lunge steps 20 ring rows 25 walking lunge steps 20 ring rowsSKILL WORK Post-workout: 5 sets each with a partner: :40 GHD Superman hold Max alternating single-leg V-ups – P1 holds the GHD superman while P2 performs max alternating single-leg V-ups. Partners switch after :40.
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting
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