Bell House Fitness – Home Gym Warm-up (No Measure) WARM-UP 3 sets: :30 knee-to-chest :30 torso twists :30 toe-touches :30 high knees :30 butt kickers ACCESSORY Pre-workout: 5 sets for load: 10 DB squats STRETCHING 2 sets: 1:00 banded hamstring stretch / side :30 seated torso twist / side :30 scorpion stretch hold / side Metcon (Time) EQUIPMENT 3 rounds for time: 75 double-unders 400-m run BODYWEIGHT 5 rounds for time of: Run 400 meters Rest 2:00 between rounds ()
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time of: 500/400-m row 21 burpees 400-m run Mod 1. 3 rounds for time of: 500/400-m row 15 burpees 400-m run Mod 2. 3 rounds for time of: 300/200-m row 15 burpees 200-m runPre-workout: Build up to a 3-rep back squat
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) Partner 1 round: 200 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb)(9/10 ft) 100 deadlifts (155/225 lb) – Split the reps as needed.
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Push Press (3-3-3-3-3-3-3)
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time of: 100 double-unders 50 DB snatches (50/35 lb) 25 pull-ups Mod 1 3 rounds for time of: 1:30 double-unders 50 DB snatches (35/20 lb) 15 pull-ups Mod 2 3 rounds for time of: 100 single-unders 50 DB snatches (20/10 lb) 15 jumping pull-ups
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