Bell House Fitness – Lifting 01.30.29 (No Measure) MAIN LIFT 3 sets for load: 7 deadlifts Tempo sets: 3 deadlifts – :05 on the way up and :05 on the return. – Use around 50% of your latest 1-rep max. SCORE:LOAD NOTES This week starts a new four-week lifting cycle. Over the next four weeks, we will build to a 1-rep max deadlift, push press, and power clean. The reps on the main lifts will start higher which means that percentages will be lower. As the weeks go by, expect the reps to go down and the percentages to get higher. All sets should be unbroken. So if the designated percentage won’t allow this, adjust the loading accordingly. Today’s goal is around 70% of your last previous 1-rep. If you can do more, go for it! The front rack lunge will build over the 4 weeks, but should still take...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 01.30.23 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 20: 10 single-arm DB swings, right 10 single-arm KB swings, left 200-m run 10 dumbbell lunges, right 10 dumbbell lunges, left – DB swings to eye level. BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 20: 10 weighted single-arm push presses, right 10 weighted single-arm push presses, left 200-m run 10 weighted lunges, right 10 weighted lunges, left WORKOUT NOTES 5-7 rounds. Moderate DB load (35/50 lb). Reduce DB loading if necessary. Scale to unweighted lunges. WARM-UP 3 sets: 10 alternating plank reach throughs 10 jumping jacks 10 back step lunges 10 KB swings to eye level 2 sets: 5 single-arm DB swings, right 5 single-arm KB swings, left 200-m run 5 dumbbell lunges, right 5 dumbbell lunges, left – DB swings to eye level. ACCESSORY Post-workout: For completion: 100 hollow rocks – Rest as needed. STRETCHING Accumulate: 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 01.30.23 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX AMRAP 20: 10 single-arm KB swings, right (35/53 lb) 10 single-arm KB swings, left 250-m row 10 barbell back rack lunges, right (65/95 lb) 10 barbell back rack lunges, left – KB swings to eye level. MOD 1 AMRAP 20: 10 single-arm KB swings, right (26/35 lb) 10 single-arm KB swings, left 250-m row 10 barbell back rack lunges, right (55/75 lb) 10 barbell back rack lunges, left – KB swings to eye level. MOD 2 AMRAP 20: 10 single-arm KB swings, right (18/26 lb) 10 single-arm KB swings, left 250-m row 10 barbell back rack lunges, right (35/45 lb) 10 barbell back rack lunges, left – KB swings to eye level.
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 01.28.23 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX AMRAP 15 with a partner: 60 synchro sit-ups 40 box jumps (20/24 in) 20 chest-to-bar pull-ups MOD 1 AMRAP 15 with a partner: 60 synchro sit-ups 40 box jumps (20/24 in) 20 chin-over-bar pull-ups MOD 2 AMRAP 15 with a partner: 30 synchro sit-ups 20 box step-ups (12/20 in) 10 jumping chest-to-bar pull-up
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