Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 11.11.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 1,000 weighted box step-ups ♀ 35-lb pack, 20-in target ♂ 45-lb pack, 20-in target BODYWEIGHT For time: 1,000 weighted step-ups WORKOUT NOTES 55:00 (18 reps/min) – 75:00(14 reps/min). Light load (30/45 lb) to a 20-in target. Perform the step-ups with a lighter load, or unweighted, to accomplish 15 reps/min for most of the workout. WARM-UP 2 sets: 10 walking lunge steps :15 Samson stretch/side 10 single-leg calf raises/side 10 supermen 10 alternating step-ups ACCESSORY Rest, stretch, recover STRETCHING 1 set: 2:00 foam roll quads 1:00 foam roll calf/side 1:00 figure-4 glute foam roll/side
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