Bell House Fitness – Lifting 09.09.22 MAIN LIFT EMOM 12: Min 1-4 | 2 power snatches (65%) Min 5-8 | 2 power snatches (68%) Min 9-12 | 2 power snatches (70%)   NOTES Welcome to week ten of this lifting cycle. Since we started this cycle, we have been working our way from the hang position back to the floor with the full power clean and snatch. The pull off the floor is going to seem to take forever. Be patient with your first pull, and allow the bar to get as high on the thighs as possible. Then be aggressive with the second and third pulls. The 2 reps should be touch and go and as fast as possible while maintaining solid technique. Base the percentages off of your 1-rep max. Rest with your remaining time in the minute. In Accessory – I, the goal is to work on...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 09.09.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds for time: :30 L-sit hold :30 plank hold :30 double-DB bent over row hold :30 plank hold BODYWEIGHT 5 rounds for time: :30 L-sit hold :30 plank hold :30 handstand hold :30 plank hold WORKOUT NOTES 15:00-20:00. Keep transitions less than :20. More demanding bodyweight movements with moderate DBs. Reduce the volume to :20 on the L-sit and bent over row hold as needed, and scale to a tuck hold if unable to perform the L-sit. ACCESSORY EMOM 7: 10 alternating DB renegade rows STRETCHING 1 set: 1:00 lacrosse ball or foam roller abdominal mash/side :30 samson stretch/side
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 09.08.22 MAIN LIFT Every 1:00 x 12 sets: 3 shoulder presses (75%) NOTES This is the second week in our final four-week mini-cycle. Focus on speed and stamina with each shoulder press. If the weight is too heavy to move quickly for all three reps, reduce it. Rest with your remaining time in the minute. Base the percentage off of your 1-rep max. In Accessory I, add weight to the ring pull-ups if 6 reps are too easy. These should be performed strict. Use a bench or post to support yourself as the opposite arm rows on the single-arm DB rows. Find a weight that will allow you to do all 12 unbroken each round. The ring dips should be unbroken (use a band if necessary). Focus on quality rather than time. WARM-UP 3 sets: 1:00 bike, row, skierg, or run 10 PVC pass-throughs 10...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 09.08.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 3 rounds for time: 1,000-m run 80 double-unders BODYWEIGHT 3 rounds for time: 1,000-m run 80 lateral line hops WORKOUT NOTES 15:00-24:00. Light, bodyweight workout. Reduce the distance of the run to 800-m, reduce the double-under volume to take no more than 2:00. WARM-UP On a 3:00 clock: :30 slow jog :30 run – Increase pace each run. 1 set: 10 calf raises/leg 20 bunny hops 10 skipping high knees 50 single-unders 5 x single-single-double 1 set: 200-m run :20 double-unders ACCESSORY Rest, stretch, and recover STRETCHING 1 set: 1:30 lacrosse ball calves/side 1:00 seated hamstring stretch/side
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 09.08.22 (Time) RX 3 rounds for time: 800/1,000-m row – After each round perform 2 double-unders for each stroke taken. Mod 1 3 rounds for time: 800/1,000-m row – After each round perform 1 double-under for each stroke taken. Mod 2 3 rounds for time: 800/1,000-m row – After each round perform 3 single-unders for each stroke taken.
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