Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 08.31.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX AMRAP 20: 800-m run 10 rope climbs (15-ft.) – Partners run together and split rope climbs as needed. Mod 1 AMRAP 20: 800-m run 20 pull-ups – Partners run together and split pull-ups as needed. Mod 2 AMRAP 20: 800-m run 20 ring rows – Partners run together and split ring rows as needed.
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting Rest Day
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.30.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 9-7-5: Burpees to 12-in target Left-arm DB squat snatches Right-arm DB squat snatches BODYWEIGHT For time: 9-7-5: Burpees to 12-in target Left-leg weighted single-leg squats Right-leg weighted single-leg squats WORKOUT NOTES Sub 7:00. DB loading should be moderate (35/50 lb). Athletes may use heavier loads, but only if they can maintain depth and sound mechanics while still being able to perform 1 snatch every :10 or less. Reduce height of burpee target, reduce DB loading, and reduce range of motion of the squat as needed. Substitute with a DB overhead lunge if necessary. WARM-UP Every 3:00 x 3 sets: 1:00 run 10 walking lunge steps 10 push-ups 5 wall squats 2 sets/arm: 3-5 DB snatches 3-5 DB overhead squats 2 sets/arm: 3-5 DB squat snatches – Rest as needed between arms 1 set: 5 burpees to 12-in target 3...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Amanda (Time) 9-7-5 reps for time of: Muscle-ups Squat snatches 135lb/95lbMod 1 For time: 7-5-3: Muscle-ups 9-7-5: Squat snatches (75/115 lb) Mod 2 For time: 9-7-5: Low ring muscle-up transitions Squat snatches (35/45 lb) SKILL WORK Pre-workout: On a 10:00 clock: Build up to heavy single squat snatch Squat Snatch (Build up to heavy single squat snatch)
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 08.29.22 MAIN LIFT EMOM 12: Min 1-4 | 2 power clean (60%) Min 5-8 | 2 power clean (63%) Min 9-12 | 2 power clean (65%)   NOTES Welcome to week nine of this lifting cycle. Since we started this cycle, we have been working our way from the hang position back to the floor with the full power clean and snatch. With these power cleans, the pull off the floor is going to seem to take forever. Be patient with your first pull and allow the bar to get as high on the thighs as possible. Then, be aggressive with the second and third pulls. The 2 reps should be touch and go and as fast as possible while maintaining solid technique. Base the percentages off of your 1-rep max. Rest with your remaining time in the minute. In Accessory – I, use 90%+...
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