Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Thruster (3 Sets:  12 Thrusters  ‍ * Build In Weight To Technical Failure ) “Cakewalk” (Time) For Time: 40-30-20-10 Wallballs 400 Meter Med-Ball Run ‍ Medicine Ball: (20/14) Time Cap: 18 Minutes AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | (20/10) to 9′Mod. 1: (14/10) Mod. 2: 30-20-10-10 (14/10) 400m Run no Wall Ball Mod. 3: 50-40-30-20 Warm Up General Flow 2:00 Bike Erg 0:30 Calf Stretch (right) 0:30 Calf Stretch (left) 0:30 Couch Stretch (right) 0:30 Couch Stretch (left) 0:30 Squat Hold 0:30 Alternating Lunge w/ Reach After Party Durability For Quality: 100-80-60-40-20: Meter Sled Push (Forward) Meter Sled Drag (Backwards) ‍ * Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets * Add Weight Each Round
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit Thruster (3 Sets:  12 Thrusters  ‍ * Build In Weight To Technical Failure ) “Cakewalk” (Time) For Time: 40-30-20-10 Wallballs 400 Meter Med-Ball Run ‍ Medicine Ball: (20/14) Time Cap: 18 Minutes AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | (20/10) to 9′ Warm Up General Flow 2:00 Bike Erg 0:30 Calf Stretch (right) 0:30 Calf Stretch (left) 0:30 Couch Stretch (right) 0:30 Couch Stretch (left) 0:30 Squat Hold 0:30 Alternating Lunge w/ Reach After Party Durability For Quality: 100-80-60-40-20: Meter Sled Push (Forward) Meter Sled Drag (Backwards) ‍ * Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets * Add Weight Each Round
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Rhubarb” (Time) 5 Rounds For Time: 40 Sit-ups 30 Push-ups 20 Pull-ups 1k/900 Meter Bike ‍ Time Cap: 40 Minutes ‍ AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Same as ClassMod. 1: 30 Sit ups 20 Abmat Push ups 20 Ring rows or Banded Pull ups 800/700m Bike Mod. 3: 20-30 GHDs 20 HSPU 10 Bar Muscle ups 1k/900m Bike Warm Up General Warm Up 3:00 Bike 0:20 Plank 0:20 Mountain Climbers 0:20 Downward Dog 0:20 Hollow Hold 0:20 Air Squats 0:20 Dead Hang After Party Lactate Threshold 8 Minute Row Calories, 4 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 6 Minute Row Calories, 3 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 4 Minute Row Calories, 2 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 2 Minute Row Calories, 1 Minute Recovery Echo Bike ‍ Row: [RPE 5-6] Bike: [RPE 2-3]
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Rhubarb” (Time) 5 Rounds For Time: 40 Sit-ups 30 Push-ups 20 Pull-ups 1k/900 Meter Bike ‍ Time Cap: 40 Minutes ‍ AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Same as ClassMod. 1: 30 Sit ups 20 Abmat Push ups 20 Ring rows or Banded Pull ups 800/700m Bike Mod. 3: 20-30 GHDs 20 HSPU 10 Bar Muscle ups 1k/900m Bike Warm Up General Warm Up 3:00 Bike 0:20 Plank 0:20 Mountain Climbers 0:20 Downward Dog 0:20 Hollow Hold 0:20 Air Squats 0:20 Dead Hang After Party Lactate Threshold 8 Minute Row Calories, 4 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 6 Minute Row Calories, 3 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 4 Minute Row Calories, 2 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 2 Minute Row Calories, 1 Minute Recovery Echo Bike ‍ Row: [RPE 5-6] Bike: [RPE 2-3]
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Bellhouse Crossfit – CrossFit “Rhubarb” (Time) 5 Rounds For Time: 40 Sit-ups 30 Push-ups 20 Pull-ups 1k/900 Meter Bike ‍ Time Cap: 40 Minutes ‍ AGE GROUP 13-15 & 55+ | Same as ClassMod. 1: 30 Sit ups 20 Abmat Push ups 20 Ring rows or Banded Pull ups 800/700m Bike Mod. 3: 20-30 GHDs 20 HSPU 10 Bar Muscle ups 1k/900m Bike Warm Up General Warm Up 3:00 Bike 0:20 Plank 0:20 Mountain Climbers 0:20 Downward Dog 0:20 Hollow Hold 0:20 Air Squats 0:20 Dead Hang After Party Lactate Threshold 8 Minute Row Calories, 4 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 6 Minute Row Calories, 3 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 4 Minute Row Calories, 2 Minute Recovery Echo Bike 2 Minute Row Calories, 1 Minute Recovery Echo Bike ‍ Row: [RPE 5-6] Bike: [RPE 2-3]
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