Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) 1 Mile Run Into… 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1: Goblet Dumbbell Thrusters Burpees Into… 1 Mile RunSTIMULUS We have a simple couplet sandwiched between a 1 mile run buy in and cash out Complete a 1 mile run, then the full reps of the couplet, then another 1 mile run to finish things out For the couplet, lay out goes: 10 Goblet Dumbbell Thrusters 10 Burpees 9 Goblet Dumbbell Thursters 9 Burpees 8 Goblet Dumbbell Thrusters 8 Burpees etc. Standard burpees with chest to the ground and full extension of the hips with the jump at the top This can be a long grind of a workout, we expect this workout to take 25-35 Minutes The cash-out run following the couplet rounds gives you the opportunity to keep moving forward after ‘going big’ Going bigger that you’re accustomed to every once is a while can help reset...
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