Bell House Fitness – Lifting 08.27.22 MAIN LIFT Deadlift 1 set: 10 reps (40%) 8 reps (50%) 6 reps (60%) Max unbroken reps (70%) – rest 2:00 between percentages. NOTES This is our last week within this cycle performing the deadlift. Throughout these last four weeks, we have been building up our stamina with this...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.27.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 10: 5 DB push presses :20 L-sit hold BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 10: 5 kipping handstand push-ups :20 L-sit hold WORKOUT NOTES 8-12 rounds. Moderate-to-heavy DB load (35/50 lbs or heavier). Cut the L-sit hold to :15, :10, or scale to a tuck...Read More